Transforming Cocoons:

Two-Year-Old Program


actively exploring…

Thought they were curious and exploring before, they are even more active at this next stage of development. TELDC’s next stage of development is known as the “Transforming Cocoons.” As Transforming Cocoons, children are exploring twice as much. Two-year-olds love to explore and investigate the world around them by way of play. That's why at TELDC we offer a variety of interest areas called “Transforming Stations™." The Transforming Stations™ such as “The Exploration Station” and “The Imagination Station” along with TELDC’s proprietary curriculum “Beginning to Transform™” for infants, toddlers and twos will meet your child’s developmental needs. The curriculum was designed with themed units and learning across several domains of learning which will allow children to grow and develop in areas such as:

  • Language Development, which will enable children to ask open-ended questions to encourage and extend conversations and thus encourage the use of words.

  • Cognitive Development, through games such as “hide and seek” and “memory” to encourage children to solve problems.

  • Physical Development, through dancing, marching, and moving around the room, as well as running, climbing, and swinging outside.

  • Social/Emotional Development, through the use of puppets or dolls to help children “act out” their feelings.

A day in the life of “The Transforming Cocoons” may consist of:

  • Child-directed Activities - in our transforming stations

  • Group Activities - circle time to discuss themed units

  • Nap and Lunch - to eat a well-balanced lunch and rest

  • Outdoor Play - twice daily to allow for physical development